- Warsaw-4-PhD School
- Doctoral studies
IHPP PAS Seminar on Nitride Semiconductors
Tuesday, 12 November 2024 23:49 |
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, We are pleased to invite you to the IHPP PAS Seminar on Nitride Semiconductors. The presentation will be held in a hybrid mode – at the seminar room in New Technologies building, Al. Prymasa Tysiąclecia 98, and through Zoom platform (to get the link, please contact us at nitride_seminar@mail.unipress.waw.pl ). The next seminar is unusually scheduled on Tuesday 19.11.2024 at 14:00. Speaker: Prof. Henryk Turski (Institute of High Pressure Physics PAS, Warsaw, Poland) Title: Epitaxy of III-Nitride Devices on Opposite Facets of the Same Polar Crystal Abstract: Link Sincerely, Tadeusz Suski A worldwide celebration of nitride semiconductors - IWN2024
Tuesday, 29 October 2024 10:28 |
This Sunday, November 3, will mark the start of the largest conference on nitride semiconductors, the 12th International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors (IWN 2024). The conference consists of five thematic symposia: Growth, Characterization/Physics, Optical and Optoelectronics, Electronic Devices, and Nanoscale. The Chair persons of the Growth symposium are Prof. Izabella Grzegory and Prof. Michal Boćkowski from our Institute. The plenary lecture entitled. “Tunnel Junctions for Novel Nitride Optoelectronic Devices” will be given by Prof. Czeslaw Skierbiszewski, head of the MBE Epitaxy Laboratory of IWC PAN. Two employees of the Institute have been asked to give invited papers: Prof. Henryk Turski will speak on “Epitaxy of III-Nitride Devices on Opposite Facets of the Same Polar Crystal: New Perspectives in Materials Engineering” and Dr. Tomasz Sochacki will talk about “Morphological Evolution During Bulk GaN Growth”. A number of other IWC PAN employees will also speak at the conference, presenting the results of their work on nitride semiconductors. Prof. M. Boćkowski will also appear as a panelist at the Rump Session entitled. “Future of III-Nitride Power Electronics”. 10th Workshop on Physics and Technology of Semiconductor Lasers - Summary
Wednesday, 23 October 2024 18:04 |
10th Workshop on Physics and Technology of Semiconductor Lasers was organized this year from 13 to 18 October, 2024 by our Institute in Sopot and chaired by prof. Piotr Perlin. It was a very successful meeting, gathering almost seventy participants with 62 presentations that included 14 invited talks, 29 contributed presentations and 19 posters. Thank you all for the fruitful discussions! Next 11th Workshop on Physics and Technology of Semiconductor Lasers will be organized in 2026 by Lodz University of Technology, and chaired by prof. Tomasz Czyszanowski. We are all looking forward to it! Konferencja "Lasery w medycynie i stomatologii"
Monday, 14 October 2024 15:31 |
Dnia 9 października 2024 na Uniwersytecie Medycznym we Wrocławiu odbyła się międzynarodowa konferencja p.t. "Lasery w medycynie i stomatologii". Wykład inauguracyjny wygłosił prof. Witold Trzeciakowski z naszego Instytutu Wysokich Ciśnień PAN. Omówił on zalety laserów półprzewodnikowych i opisał wspólny projekt badawczy realizowany przez IWC PAN, Uniwersytet Medyczny we Wrocławiu oraz Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny. W tym projekcie IWC PAN dostarczał laserowe źródła światła niebieskiego, zielonego i czerwonego, a na uniwersytetach medycznych wykonywano badania (in vitro i kliniczne) z zastosowaniem tych laserów. Nowością było otrzymanie trzech długości fali lasera w światłowodzie co pozwalało na ciekawe badania oddziaływania promieniowania z tkanką. Projekt był przykładem owocnej współpracy interdyscyplinarnej, a jego efektem jest m. in. 9 publikacji w międzynarodowych pismach medycznych. W trakcie konferencji dokonano przeglądu zastosowań laserów w dermatologii, urologii, okulistyce, stomatologii i chirurgii. Program dostępny jest pod linkiem. Wykład i całą konferencję można odsłuchać na YouTube. Wystąpienie prof. Witolda Trzeciakowskiego od 14 do 50 minuty nagrania. Unipress Thursday Seminar
Thursday, 03 October 2024 11:40 |
Development of bioabsorbable metals is of great importance since they can be used to produce temporary implants, replacing permanent ones, and thus limiting some harmful side-effects related to their long-term presence in a patient body. One of the most promising materials for such an application is zinc (Zn) due to its optimal corrosion rate. However, the mechanical properties of pure zinc are far from being acceptable for a proposed application. Alloying with other elements and additional plastic deformation such as hydrostatic extrusion (HE) can significantly improve material strength thus enabling applications for orthopedic fixtures such as bone screw implants. Institute of High Pressure Physics PAS invites you to its Unipress Thursday Seminar that will be given by dr inż. Jacek Skiba from Laboratory of Plastic Deformation Under High Pressure, Institute of High Pressure Physics. The talk is titled „Advanced zinc alloys for biomedical applications - Effect of plastic deformation by hydrostatic extrusion method on microstructure, mechanical and functional propertiess” Join us online via Zoom platform on Thursday, October 31, 2024 at 3:00 pm. To get the link to Zoom meeting, please contact us at dyrekcja@unipress.waw.pl Abstract of the talk is here. |
Dr. Shiv Singh contribution to IBS2app2025
Tuesday, 05 November 2024 12:07 |
Dr. Shiv Singh from our Institute, Laboratory of Superconductors, serves as a program committee member for the 2nd international workshop dedicated on iron-based superconductors “Iron-based Superconductors: Advances towards applications 2025 (IBS2app 2025)”. IBS2app 2025 will be held in Miyazaki, Japan from 13th to 15th February 2025. The IBS2app 2025 offers researchers a platform for scientific discussion and information exchange on iron-based superconductors. Dr. Singh will also deliver an invited talk titled "Review on high pressure growth effect on iron-based superconductors” at this workshop. Dr. Singh's research team has demonstrated that high-pressure growth techniques can effectively improve the superconducting properties and sample quality of high Tc superconductors. This talk will provide a comprehensive overview of the properties of iron-based superconductors by considering different kinds of samples under ambient and high-pressure effects. More details can be found here: https://smartconf.jp/content/ibs2app/speakers Prof. Piotr Perlin elected for the PPTF Board
Friday, 25 October 2024 10:51 |
PPTF - Polish Technological Platform on Photonics elected new authorities for the next two years. The new Board members are:
We wish you fruitful cooperation for the benefit of Polish photonics! (Photo courtesy of Agni Maria Sodul & Maciej J. Nowakowski) Solid State Physics Seminar 25.10.2024
Monday, 21 October 2024 12:11 |
Prof. dr hab. Izabella Grzegory from our Institute will give a lecture „High Pressure in Physics and Engineering of Hexagonal Boron Nitride” on Solid State Physics Seminar organized by the Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw. Seminar will be held on October 25, 2024 at 10:15 in the stationary mode at the Faculty of Physics room 0.06. Detailed information and the abstract are available on the website: http://www.fuw.edu.pl/seminarium-fizyki-ciala-stalego.html Publication in Bioactive Materials IF=18.0
Friday, 11 October 2024 15:23 |
The cooperation of two institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences (the Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science in Krakow and the Laboratory of High Pressure Plasticity of our Institute of High Presure Physics) resulted in a publication in the prestigious journal Bioactive Materials. The paper M. Gieleciak, A. Jarzębska, Ł. Maj, P. Petrzak, M. Kulczyk, Ł. Rogal, and M. Bieda "Influence of magnesium addition on microstructural and mechanical stability of hydrostatically extruded biodegradable zinc alloys" Bioactive Materials 44, 1 (2025) shows the effect of hydrostatic extrusion on the properties of biodegradable zinc-magnesium alloys. The process of shaping the properties of these materials using high pressures impacts their homogeneity and microstructure fragmentation (mechanical properties) as well as thermal stability in operating conditions (as an implant in a living organism). Dualtronics - novel concept for monolithic device integration
Wednesday, 25 September 2024 17:03 |
Scientists from MBE Laboratory NL14 at the Institute of High Pressure Physics PAS (IHPP PAS, Unipress), in collaboration with groups at Cornell University (CU), have published the results of their recent study in Nature in a paper "Using both faces of polar semiconductor wafers for functional devices" by L. van Deurzen, E. Kim, N. Pieczulewski, Z. Zhang, A. Feduniewicz-Zmuda, M. Chlipala, M. Siekacz, D. Muller, H.G. Xing, D. Jena, and H. Turski. Demonstrated device is the first monolithic integration of a light source (light-emitting diode, LED) and a transistor (high electron mobility transistor, HEMT) on opposite sides of the same bulk semiconductor substrate. Therefore the authors introduce a term "dualtronics" to describe this concept and differentiate it from previous solutions. By using a polar bulk GaN substrate - recognized as the highest-quality bulk GaN substrate available, also grown at Unipress - they were able to amplify the advantages of the devices by utilizing the built-in field inherent in the material. The monolithic integration of both devices on the same crystal enables the full utilization of the substrate's surface area and allows for denser packing of LED pixels. Bulk crystal growth, surface preparation, dual-side epitaxial growth (schematically shown in the figure below), and initial characterization were all performed at IHPP PAS. Meanwhile, the dual-side processing of the LED and HEMT, microscopy characterization, and monolithic modulation of light emission from the LED by the HEMT were carried out at CU. This work represents a promising starting point for the broader development of dual-side integrated optoelectronic and electronic devices, not only within the III-nitride material system. |
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