- Warszawska Szkoła Doktorska
- Studia doktoranckie
Wykład zaproszony na 2025 MRS Spring Meeting![]() Wiosenne spotkanie i wystawa Materials Research Society odbędą się w dniach 7-11 kwietnia 2025 w Seattle w stanie Waszyngton w USA. Jest to forum dla naukowców zajmujących się materiałami z całego świata. W czasie 2025 MRS Spring Meeting odbędzie się 67 sympozjów i 11 sesji szkoleniowych na tematy związane z obecnie rozwijanymi technologiami różnych materiałów. Nasza koleżanka dr hab. inż. Julita Smalc-Koziorowska, prof IWC PAN z Laboratorium Charakteryzacji Półprzewodników NL-12 wygłosi zaproszony wykład „Developing InGaN Pseudo-substrates for Tailoring Red and Longer Wavelength Nitride-Based Devices” w ramach sympozjum EL-11 „Wide and Ultra-Wide Bandgap Materials, Devices and Applications”. ICSM 2025 conference![]() 10th International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism - ICSM 2025 will be held in Fethiye-Oludeniz, Turkey from 26th April to 3rd May 2025. This conference will cover a wide range of physics topics, including superconductivity, magnetism, and quantum materials and technological communities, and create networking opportunities and strengthen connections between all career levels. This year again, Dr. Shiv Singh from our Institute is organizing a special session: “Advances in Iron-based Superconductors: Growth, fundamental and applied research”. You can find more details about this session here. Furthermore, in this conference, Dr. Shiv Singh will have an invited talk entitled "Impurity Effects on the Superconducting Properties of Stoichiometric CaKFe4As4 by Conventional and High-pressure Growth Methods”. Recently, Dr. Singh’s research team has proved that the high-pressure growth technique can be an effective method to enhance the superconducting properties of high-Tc superconductors as well as the sample quality. More details about the program and the speakers can be found here. WBCGE 2025![]() The Polish Society for Crystal Growth (PTWK) is pleased to invite all scientists involved in bulk crystal growth, epitaxy and characterization to the Workshop on Bulk Crystal Growth and Epitaxy (WBCGE), that will take place at our Institute (IWC PAN) in Warsaw on May 15-16, 2025. WBCGE Workshop will be chaired by Prof. Michał Leszczyński (PTWK President, IWC PAN) and Prof. Dorota Pawlak (CEO of Ensemble3). It will be an excellent opportunity for scientific development, as well as to expand the network of contacts in the rapidly developing field of crystal growth and epitaxy.
IHPP PAS Seminar on Nitride Semiconductors![]() Dear Colleagues, We are pleased to invite you to the IHPP PAS Seminar on Nitride Semiconductors. The presentation will be held in a remote mode through Zoom platform (to get the link, please contact us at nitride_seminar@mail.unipress.waw.pl ). The next seminar is scheduled on Tuesday 01.04.2025 at 15:00 CET. Speaker: Prof. Dr. Oliver Ambacher (Institute for Sustainable Systems Engineering (INATECH),University Freiburg, Germany) Title: Piezo-acoustic components based on metal nitride layers Abstract: Link Sincerely, Tadeusz Suski IXth Winter Workshop Kalatówki 2025![]() IXth Winter Workshop Kalatówki 2025 on Physics and Applications of Nitride Semiconductors will be organized on March 23-28, 2023 in Zakopane (Poland). The Winter Workshop Kalatówki gathers researchers from the Institute of High Pressure Physics Polish Academy of Sciences and from the collaborating scientific institutes. It serves as a platform for the exchange of information and ideas among the laboratories of the Institute over the years. Scientific topics discussed encompass the physics and technology of AlInGaN semiconductor quantum structures, particularly within the realm of light emitters. Epitaxy, device processing and theoretical modelling will be highlighted for better understanding of the underlying physics and paving the way to novel concepts realization both in optoelectronics and nitride-based electronics. This year, we will host many prominent nitride experts:
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