- Warsaw-4-PhD School
- Doctoral studies
IHPP PAS Seminar on Nitride Semiconductors
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, We are pleased to invite you to the IHPP PAS Seminar on Nitride Semiconductors. The next presentation will be held in a hybrid mode – at the New Technologies seminar room, Al. Prymasa Tysiąclecia 98, and through Zoom platform (to get the link, please contact us at nitride_seminar@mail.unipress.waw.pl ). The next seminar is scheduled on Monday 13.06.2022 at 14:00. Speaker: Prof. Henryk Teisseyre (Institute of Physics PAS) Title: Zinc Oxide: Known and Unknown Sincerely, Tadeusz Suski IHPP PAS Seminar on Nitride Semiconductors
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, We are pleased to invite you to the IHPP PAS Seminar on Nitride Semiconductors. The next presentation will be held in a hybrid mode – at the New Technologies seminar room, Al. Prymasa Tysiąclecia 98, and through Zoom platform (to get the link, please contact us at nitride_seminar@mail.unipress.waw.pl ). The next seminar is scheduled on Tuesday 31.05.2022 at 14:00. Speaker: Dr inż. Paweł Prystawko (NL-12) Title: Homoepitaxial Growth for Vertical GaN Power Devices Sincerely, Tadeusz Suski IHPP PAS Seminar on Nitride Semiconductors
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, We are pleased to invite you to the IHPP PAS Seminar on Nitride Semiconductors. The next presentation will be held in a hybrid mode – at the New Technologies seminar room, Al. Prymasa Tysiąclecia 98, and through Zoom platform (to get the link, please contact us at nitride_seminar@mail.unipress.waw.pl ). The next seminar is scheduled on Monday 16.05.2022 at 14:00. Speaker: Mgr inż. Katarzyna Pieniak (NL-2) Title: Internal electric field in InGaN/GaN Light Emitting Diodes Sincerely, Tadeusz Suski IHPP PAS Seminar on Nitride Semiconductors
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, We are pleased to invite you to the IHPP PAS Seminar on Nitride Semiconductors. The next presentation will be held in a hybrid mode – at the New Technologies seminar room, Al. Prymasa Tysiąclecia 98, and through Zoom platform (to get the link, please contact us at nitride_seminar@mail.unipress.waw.pl ). The next seminar is scheduled on Monday 09.05.2022 at 14:00. Speaker: Dr hab. Łukasz Borowik (Université Grenoble Alpes, CEA, LETI, France) Title: The Physicochemical Surface Characterization by the Atomic Force Microscopy and Electron Spectroscopies Sincerely, Tadeusz Suski |