- Warszawska Szkoła Doktorska
- Studia doktoranckie
There are our results presented during IWBNS-8 in 2013

Our scientists are co-authors of seven new papers available online in the Journal of Crystal Growth
There are our results presented during IWBNS-8 in 2013.
The International Workshop on Bulk Nitride Semiconductor (IWBNS) is designed to implement and increase information exchange and collaboration among academic, industrial, and government scientists on challenges of growing high quality Group III nitride crystals with low concentration of structural defects and controlled conductivity type.
This workshop has been previously held in Brazil (2000, 2002, 2007), Poland (2004, 2009), and Japan (2006, 2011). In 2013 the worldwide experts on bulk nitride related science and technology met in Germany.
Five papers have been published with “Unipress” people:
- Optical and magnetic resonance studies of Be-doped GaN bulk crystals
by E.R. Glaser, J.A. Freitas Jr, D.F. Storm, H. Teisseyre, Michal Bockowski - HVPE-GaN growth on misoriented ammonothermal GaN seeds
by T. Sochacki, M. Amilusik, B. Lucznik, M. Fijalkowski, J.L. Weyher, G. Nowak, B. Sadovyi, G. Kamler, R. Kucharski, M. Iwinska, I. Grzegory, M. Bockowski - Homoepitaxial HVPE-GaN growth on non-polar and semi-polar seeds
by M. Amilusik, T. Sochacki, B. Lucznik, M. Fijalkowski, J. Smalc-Koziorowska, J.L. Weyher, H. Teisseyre, B. Sadovyi, M. Bockowski, I. Grzegory - Structural defects in bulk GaN
by Z. Liliental-Weber, R. dos Reis, M. Mancuso, C.Y. Song, I. Grzegory, S. Porowski, M. Bockowski - Photo-etching of HVPE-grown GaN: revealing extended non-homogeneities induced by periodic carrier gas exchange
by J.L. Weyher, T. Sochacki, M. Amilusik, M. Fijałkowski, B. Łucznik, R. Jakieła, G. Staszczak, A. Nikolenko, V. Strelchuk, B. Sadovyi, M. Bockowski, I. Grzegory - DFT study of ammonia desorption from the GaN(0001) surface covered with a NH3/NH2 mixture
by P. Kempisty, P. Strak, K. Sakowski, S. Krukowski - Influence of hydrogen and TMIn on indium incorporation in MOVPE growth of InGaN layers
by R. Czernecki, S. Kret, P. Kempisty, E. Grzanka, J. Plesiewicz, G. Targowski, S. Grzanka, M. Bilska, J. Smalc-Koziorowska, S. Krukowski, T. Suski, P. Perlin, M. Leszczynski