- Warszawska Szkoła Doktorska
- Studia doktoranckie
Usługi lokalne
Prezentacje IWC PAN IWN 2022
Informacje ogólne - News |
Invited talks:
- Michal Bockowski - What has recently been discovered and what we still need to find out about crystallization of truly bulk GaN
- Henryk Turski - Competition between built-in polarization and p-n junction field in III-nitride heterostructures
- Czeslaw Skierbiszewski - How tunnel junctions changed our perception of III-N optoelectronic devices
Contributed talks:
- I. Grzegory - Melting vs decomposition of GaN – Ab initio molecular dynamics study
- T. Suski - Quantum confined Stark Effect screening efficiency induced by the optical excitation in symmetric double InGaN/GaN quantum wells - role of barrier width and temperature
- N. Fiuczek - Electrochemical etching of p-type GaN
- A. Kafar - P-Cladding layer utilizing polarization doping for blue-violet InGaN laser diodes
- M. Sawicka - Blue laser diodes with nanoporous bottom cladding – device fabrication and properties
- T. Sochacki - Suppressing lateral growth during bulk GaN crystallization as a key factor for obtaining thick crystals with high structural quality
- T. Sochacki - Fundamental studies on crystallization and reaching the equilibrium shape in basic ammonothermal method – growth on a native lenticular seed
- M. Iwinska - Carbon in highly conductive and semi-insulating bulk GaN crystals
- S. Grzanka - InGaN laser diodes with ZnO – Al-based contact layers
- M. Grabowski - Effect of point defects below the InGaN/GaN QWs on their structural and optical properties at elevated temperatures
- K. Saba - Low absorptive nitride waveguides for application in photonic integrated circuits
- P. Kruszewski - Compensation control of n-type GaN using intrinsic carbon from TMGa precursor in MOVPE growth for vertical GaN power devices
- K. Sierakowski - Investigation of Be diffusion coefficients for various crystallographic directions in GaN grown by HVPE
- K. Grabianska - On stress induced polarization effect in ammonothermally-grown GaN crystals
- P. Jaroszyński - Ultra-high-pressure doping of gallium nitride with europium
- M. Żak - Modeling of convective transport in crystallization of gallium nitride by basic ammonothermal method
- T. Sochacki - Evolution of the growth mode and its consequences during bulk crystallization of GaN
- E. Grzanka - Indium concentration fluctuations in InGaN/GaN quantum wells grown on sapphire template and on GaN bulk substrate and their relationship with QWs decomposition
- R. Hrytsak - DFT based modeling of point defect diffusion across the In0.125Ga0.875N/GaN and In0.25Ga0.75N/GaN interfaces
- M. Zajac - Identification and quantitative analysis of point defects in semi-insulating GaN:Mg ammonothermal crystals
- J. L. Weyher - Defects in ammonothermal GaN crystals
- M. Zając - High-temperature properties of electron transport in semi-insulating GaN:Mn monocrystals
- L. Konczewicz - Negative magnetoresistivity in highly doped N-Type GaN
- A. Lachowski - Effect of point defects diffusion on the efficiency of InGaN quantum wells
- M. Leszczyński - X-ray diffraction used for monitoring InGaN quantum well homogenization and decomposition
- I. Levchenko - Interface state effect on the properties of a Pd-based contact on p-GaN
- K. Sierakowski - Lateral diffusion of magnesium in GaN grown by HVPE
- G. Muzioł - Direct experimental evidence for "dark charge" in wide InGaN quantum wells
- J. Smalc-Koziorowska - Core configurations and glide motion of Shockley partial dislocations in GaN by aberration-corrected HRTEM
- L. Konczewicz - Electrical transport properties of highly doped N-Type GaN materials
- I. Levchenko - Passivation of p-GaN surface for ohmic contact formation
- K. Sierakowski - Investigation of zinc diffusion for various crystallographic directions in GaN grown by HVPE
- T. Sochacki - Evolution of the growth mode and its consequences during bulk crystallization of GaN
- S. Grzanka - Surface functionalization of N-polar bulk n-GaN for ohmic contacts in vertical devices
- T. Suski - Towards superluminescent diodes with wide emission spectrum – application of new concepts of the active region
- P. Kruszewski - On the nature of some defects with deep levels in n-type GaN from a study of electric-field enhancement of their electron emission rates
- A. Kafar - Micro-disc and micro-ribbon shaped InGaN active region fabricated on corrugated substrates
- E. Grzanka - Influence of structural defects in the In0.3Ga0.7N/GaN QWs on their evolution during p-type layers growth
- M. Chlipała - Superconducting NbN contact to III-Nitride LED
- M. Hajdel - Polarization-induced optical thyristor based on III-Nitrides
- M. Iwinska - Study of HVPE-GaN doped with silicon
- G. Muzioł - High temperature growth of InGaN in plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy – a path towards improvement of quantum efficiency
- M. Żak - Red to blue wavelength-tunable light emitting diode