- Warszawska Szkoła Doktorska
- Studia doktoranckie
GaN crystals - invited lectures from UNIPRESS

We have the pleasure to announce that our colleague Tomek Sochacki has been invited to deliver a scene setter talk during International Workshop on Bulk Nitride Semiconductors (IWBNS-10). The title of his talk is ‘Status, perspectives, and trends in HVPE growth of bulk gallium nitride’. Additionally, Unipress will be represented at IWBNS-10 by our Director Professor Izabella Grzegory, as well as Mikolaj Amilusik and Michal Fijalkowski. The titles of their invited talks, respectively, are: ‘GaN synthesis in metallic systems used for crystal growth of diamond’, ‘Highly resistive HVPE-GaN grown on native seeds’, and ‘Comparison of structural, optical, and electrical properties of highly conductive HVPE-GaN doped with Si or Ge and grown on native seeds’.
During IWBNS-10 Marcin Zajac from Ammono Lab (see this article) will present an invited lecture titled ‘GaN crystals grown by basic ammonothermal method - state of the art, perspectives and challenges’. It will be also a scene setter presentation.