- Warszawska Szkoła Doktorska
- Studia doktoranckie
Usługi lokalne
GaN crystals - invited lectures from UNIPRESS
Wtorek, 12 Wrzesień 2017 11:26 |
We are pleased to inform you that our colleague Michal Bockowski will give invited lectures (‘Growth and Characterization of Bulk HVPE-GaN. Pathway to Highly Conductive and Semi-Insulating GaN Substrates’) at two important international conferences:
- E-MRS 2017 Fall Meeting (September 18-21, Warsaw), Symposium P titled Group III-Nitrides: fundamental research, optoelectronic devices and sensors.
- 232 ECS meeting (October 1-5, 2017 Washington DC), Session: State-of-the-Art Program on Compound Semiconductors 60 (SOTAPOCS 60)