Spin-states in MoS 2 thin-film transistors distinguished by operando electron spin resonance.
N. Tsunetomo, S. Iguchi, M. Wierzbowska, A. Ueda, Y. Won, S. Heo, Y. Jeong, Y. Wakayama, K. Marumoto
Commun. Mater. 2 27 (2021)
Experimental and theoretical evidence of the temperature-induced wurtzite to rocksalt phase transition in GaN under high pressure.
B. Sadovyi, M. Wierzbowska, S. Stelmakh, S. Boccato, S. Gierlotka, T. Irifune, S. Porowski, I. Grzegor
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The properties, photovoltaic performance and stability of visible to near-IR all inorganic perovskites.
A. Shpatz Dayan, X. Zhong, M. Wierzbowska, C. de Oliveira, A. Kahn, L. Etgar
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Rocksalt ZnMgO alloys for ultraviolet applications: Origin of band-gap fluctuations and direct-indirect transitions.
I. Gorczyca, M. Wierzbowska, D. Jarosz, J. Z. Domagala, A. Reszka, D. Le Si Dang, F. Donatini, N.E. Christensen, H. Teisseyre
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Mechanism of segmentation of lead halide perovskite at interfaces with GaN and ZnO.
M. Wierzbowska
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First evidence of macroscale single crystal ion exchange found in lead halide perovskites.
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Wannier90 as a community code: new features and applications.
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Ferromagnetic topological crystalline insulating phase in the pi-stacked graphene nanobelts under a small pressure.
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First-Principles Calculation of Band Gaps of Al1-xInxN Alloys and Short Period Al1-xInxN/Al1-yInyN Superlattices.
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Tuning the optical properties of already crystalized hybrid perovskite.
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Deprotonation and vacancies at CH3NH3PbI3/ZnO and CH3NH3PbI3/GaN, detected in the theoretical XANES.
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Enhancing Stability and Photostability of CsPbI3 by Reducing Its Dimensionality.
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The Effect of the Alkylammonium Ligands Length on Organic Inorganic Perovskite Nanoparticles.
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Thermoelectric properties of topological insulators based on π-stacked molecular and graphene-belt systems with hydrogen bonds.
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Breathing bands due to molecular order in CH3NH3PbI3.
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Gapless edge states in (C,O,H)-built molecular system with p-stacking and hydrogen bonds.
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Novel rubidium lead chloride nanocrystals: synthesis and characterization.
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High efficiency quasi 2D lead bromide perovskite solar cells using various barrier molecules.
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Effect of graphene substrate on the spectroscopic properties of photovoltaic molecules:
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Ferroelectric pi-stacks of molecules with the energy gaps in the sunlight range.
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High efficiency and high open circuit voltage in quasi two-dimensional perovskite based solar cells.
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Separate-path electron and hole transport across pi-stacked ferroelectrics for photovoltaic applications.
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Cascade donor-acceptor organic ferroelectric layers, between graphene sheets, for solar cell applications.
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In2O3 doped with hydrogen: electronic structure and optical properties
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New memory devices based on the proton transfer process.
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Ferrimagnetism in 2D networks of porphyrin-X and -XO (X=Sc,...,Zn)
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Contacts for organic switches with carbon-nanotube leads.
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Multipeak negative differential resistance from
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Effect of C-face 4H-SiC(0001) deposition on thermopower of single
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Spin-dependent Seebeck effect and huge growth of thermoelectric parameters at
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Hole sp3-character and delocalization in (Ga,Mn)As revised
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Contrasting elastic properties of heavily B- and N-doped graphene,
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CVD Formation of Graphene on SiC Surface in Argon Atmosphere.
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Poisoning of magnetism in silicon doped with Re, caused by a
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Exchange interactions and Tc in rhenium-doped silicon:
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Forces and atomic relaxation in density functional theory with
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Density functional calculations for a single Re impurity in silicon.
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Effect of spin-fluctuations on Tc from density-functional theory
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Origins of low and high pressure discontinuities of Tc in niobium.
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Effect of electron correlations in Pd, Ni, and Co monowires.
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Condensation Energy of the Homogeneous Electron Gas from the
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Different origin of the ferromagnetic order in (Ga,Mn)As and (Ga,Mn)N.
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Multiplet structures of charged fullerenes.
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CORRIGENDUM: Multiplet structures of charged fullerenes.
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Spin-orbit ab initio study of alkyl halide dissociation
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The condensation energy of the homogeneous superconducting gas.
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Interaction and diffusion of potassium on Cr2O3(0001)/Cr(110).
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Modifications of Virtual Orbitals in the Limited CI Calculations for
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A theoretical study of geometry and transition moment directions
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Anisotropic reorientation of perylene and 3,9-di-bromoperylene
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Cubic ZnMgO alloys for deep ultraviolet applications (Conference Presentation)
H. Teisseyre, I. Gorczyca, D. Jarosz, M. Wierzbowska, S. Kret, F. Donatini, D. Le Si Dang
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Electronic structure of irradiated CdO thin films.
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ISSRNS 2012: Synchrotron Radiation in Natural Science Vol. 10, No. 1-2, (2012)
Condensation energy and Tc within the density functional theory
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Proceedings from "IX Training Course in the Physics of Correlated
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Vietri sul Mare (Salerno), Italy, 4-15 October, 2004